On my RSS feed I am following a blog called "Educational Technology and Mobile Learning". It explores different ways to change the status quo in education by using technology and other 21st century literacies. A post that I found particularly interesting is
12 Important Questions for 21st Century Teachers. One question that really resonated with me is question number 7, "
Why does cultivating broad mindedness, resiliency, curiosity, imagination and the ability to work with others matter?" Multiple aspects of this question intrigue me, specifically the imagination and resiliency aspect. Sometimes I feel that students have certain expectations, such as that they will all get into college and get a great paying job after graduation. This is not a guarantee and I have seen many of my friends struggle to rebound after not getting into the college of their choice and or not getting any job offers. If our students are going to survive in the 21st century work force they must be prepared to be resilient. In my opinion, imagination goes hand in hand with resiliency because we need thinkers who are creative and don't get discouraged when they see a problem but get excited. Without imagination we wouldn't have these technological advances I am using right now. I think this post is great because it made me think and question my practices as an educator.
Below is what I posted on the blog itself:
"I think this is a great list of questions that today's educators should ask themselves. I especially think question 7 is important because it addresses the importance of working with others in a collaborative setting. Most jobs today require us to work with others regardless of how we feel about it. My students often request to work individually instead of with their peers because they have an issue with a classmate. I am trying to teach them that to be successful in the 21st century - you MUST be a team member and be able to work as a group. Great post!"
I think your focus on resilience and creativity is a good one. In today's world we need to "expect the unexpected" in the sense that what we think the future may hold may not be what really happens. In addition we are living during a digital revolution which will change a lot about the way we live and learn.