Sunday, January 27, 2013

El uso de los Blogs...

Creating a blog is a new way that I can engage students, hold them accountable for their learning as well as grow as a second language teacher.  My students have grown up in the technology era and are constantly incorporating different technologies into their daily lives.  I need to incorporate this new type of literacy into my classroom in order to fully engage my students in the learning process.  Using a blog is a great way to meet various students' learning styles and needs.  Here are a few ways that I can utilize  my blog to meet the learning standards.  
  1. Post successful activities with reflections for other second language educators.
  2. Post photos, videos, songs or articles in that students must analyze and reflect on in Spanish. 
Collaboration is the key to success in education.  Through blogger, I can start following other second language educators around the world and gain critical knowledge of methods/techniques for second language acquisition.  I can also share activities/strategies that have worked within my classroom.  By creating a community of learners, I will grow as a teacher as well as challenge myself and students.  

My students struggle with the skill of description as well as writing complex sentences in Spanish.  Blogger will allow me to post photos of things they are interested in and require students to practice writing in the second language.  Through blogs, students will be using a literacy form they are familiar with and my hope is that they will be more willing to develop their writing in the second language.  Additionally, by using my blog I can challenge students to use critical thinking skills within the second language and teach them how to examine and synthesize in Spanish.   

The following NYS Standards for LOTE (Languages other than English) are being addressed:

  1. Students will be able to write brief analyses of more complex content when given the opportunity  for organization and advance preparation, though errors may occur more frequently.
  2. Students will be able to produce written narratives and expression of opinion about radio and television programs, newspaper and magazine articles, and selected stories, songs and literature of the target language.